Thursday, February 23, 2012

Social Studies Chapter 6

What commitee of the president's would you like to be on and why? What would you change from how it is today?

(Commitees examples were listed above the question at the beginning of the chapter [education, foreign policy, agriculture, etc])


  1. I would like to be on the executive branch.I feel like I'm good for this branch because I can enforce fair laws.No matter what I would make sure I follow the bill of rights to protect the people.Even if I on my own I will do my best to enforce laws that is fair,decent,finaly understandable.For with out this the people would fight me all the time.

    I would change the tax problem.I would make taxes affordable for the people.The reason why is because taxes is out of control.No one can live with the prices of today.the goverment is taking hard earn money living people broke homeless,money is power power that belongs to the people who worked for it the funny thing is the goverment does not need it the people do.

    1. Great answer, but a branch is not a committee, be more specific. Look back in your book, the intro paragraph, for ideas.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I asked how you would change it today. Do they not have the right to learn today? Update your answer please.

  3. I think that the fact that only white people where allowed an educatione so unfair see if i was in the executive branch i would help all kids get an education no matter whats there color or race etc skin color has nothing to do with your education level

    1. Is this still a problem today? My question was not about the past. Update your answer please.

  4. i would like to be part of the executive branch because i cn protect my country and make it a better place i think i can do a good job on that. I would help people earn there money back up without any problems.

    1. How can you protect your country and make it better today? What would you do to help people earn money?

  5. I would mostly like to be apart of the education be cause it is the most thing in the world education that why your parent are always saying go out and get an education.

    1. You answered only the 1st question. Great start, now what would you change about education today?

  6. I would like to be apart of education because i would help kids no matter what color they are. I think colored people should get the chance to get an education as well as white people.

    1. They don't get a chance today? My question was not about the past, but what would you change today? Please update your answer.

  7. I would like to be apart of education even back then, they had schools but not for everyone because about slavery or maybe a parent could not afford money to get their child to school. Well I won't change nothing now at this life time because every child can go to school to get an education from public schools.

  8. I would be part of education even if they really didn't have them for every one. but would be apart of it because i would like to help kids.but i would nothing in this world because they have school for everybody.

  9. I would like to be apart of education group. In the past kids cannot go to school because parents have no money or they will not let in because of their skin color. I would change the education from how it is today.First I will donate books, pencils and desk for school. Second I will construct new schools.Third I will make all school free also free lunches for students.Even my school we are in need of new book and NEW HEATER FOR OUR CLASS ROOM!!!!! thats why I want to make a change for the better of students.

  10. I would like to be apart of the education group also presidents because I like to help kids,family's and everyone else.There are 45% of kids that can't go to school because their parents have no money.There are so many people that need homes,also food,me as president I will try my best to do what I can to help the others.
    What I would change is to make more schools for kids,schools should be free, not make people pay just to go to that school that they like.I think education should be free,this is what I would change if I was president.

  11. I would want to be part of education. Education is the most important thing in life, without it in life you won't succeed. It will change everyone life because as they learn they will try to reach for their goal. This change will make life easier and helpful because they can get a good job and be some one in life.
